JUMP In, the Water’s Fine!

When I joined Rotary in the fall of 2011, I could not have imagined that in just 5 years, I would be in the ‘DG chain’, following leaders with vastly more Rotary experience than me.  I believe one of the reasons I was selected was that I have immersed myself in Rotary, striving to learn as much as I can about the organization.  But more importantly, Rotary has become my passion!  Almost immediately I saw the potential of Rotary to be my vehicle to make a difference in the world; to leave a modest legacy.  Through Rotary, I found opportunities to ‘do good’ in my community and around the world.  Since July 2012, I have served as Club Treasurer, Club President of two clubs, Assistant Governor, District Club Extension Chair, Rotary Leadership Institute Faculty and I have started a new club.  Why?  Because I am convinced that for me, Rotary is the best way to serve humanity, to spread peace, to encourage high ethical standards, to mentor our youth, and to address some of the most challenging problems in our society today.

I am writing this blog to share the ideas, kernels of truth and inspiration that I have received along my Rotary journey.  Contribute your ideas; share your thoughts; jump in, the water’s fine!

Rotary InternationalRotary Club of the Kerr Tar Region

2 thoughts on “JUMP In, the Water’s Fine!

  1. Your Enthusiasm excites me and I’m looking forward to following you. I will be serving our district 7550 as DG in 2019 and 2020.


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