Spring Cleaning–Its for Rotary Clubs too!

We’ve experienced our first blush of spring, trees are flowering, birds are singing, butterflies are swirling, and PETS (President-Elect Training) season is ending. Now is the time of fresh starts.  For David and me, it meant spring cleaning.  Donating clothes that no longer fit, and wrenches for equipment no longer owned, removing clutter and organizing… Continue reading Spring Cleaning–Its for Rotary Clubs too!

Traditions Abound

We’ve just celebrated Thanksgiving and the holiday calendar is in full swing.  This is a time of tradition when we enjoy foods and family activities that only happen during this time of year.  For me, as a child, it was playing Scrabble with three generations of family after the Thanksgiving meal was cleaned up and… Continue reading Traditions Abound

Service Above Self

He was tall and thin, of indeterminate middle age and with a pock-marked face. He commented about the weather, almost shyly while standing a little apart from the line in the fast food restaurant. My husband, David, and I had stopped on our way home from a Rotary training seminar, to get coffee and a… Continue reading Service Above Self

How will you be changed?

I am deep into planning for Rotary year 2019-2020 when I will be serving as District Governor for District 7710, in central North Carolina.  There is much to do, from light-hearted party planning, to identifying people to serve in numerous volunteer roles, to developing the critically important vision and focus for the year.  While the… Continue reading How will you be changed?

Membership—Part 3

This is the third blog post in a membership development series, providing a foolproof template to membership growth.  Links to the first two parts of the series Part 1—Why Membership? and Part 2—Lead Generation and Publicity. A truly successful membership plan involves every club member in the process.  Ideally each current member sponsors a new… Continue reading Membership—Part 3

Membership—Part 2

This is the second installment in a multi-part series devoted to an easily implemented membership development plan.  The first post is here.  Following this step-wise process virtually assures successful club growth. Step 3 Generate leads. Hold a club assembly.  Ask each member to bring their smart phone and stack of business cards they have collected… Continue reading Membership—Part 2

What’s Your Story?

Advertisers know well that colors, images, typography and logos impact our impression of a company and ultimately the value of a brand.  What stories are these images telling?         The updated Rotary logos, typeface, colors and People of Action images tell a true story, that Rotary is a modern, effective and active… Continue reading What’s Your Story?